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Traveling this Summer? Here are 4 tips to Prevent Constipation

Happy summer! Summer is my favorite season because the sun is shining, barbecues are a-blazing, and the Pacific Ocean is finally warm enough to swim in (well, relatively). Many of us take advantage of the nice weather and time off from school to travel, which gives us an opportunity to see a new place, meet new people, experience different cultures, and relax on a beach. Traveling is the best, and the only negative side effect of travel is that we can get a little backed up.

Why does this happen? Some call the gut our “second brain,” and it is very sensitive to stress. The gut-brain axis refers to the bidirectional communication between the GI system and our brain which explains why we feel sick to our stomach when we feel anxious and inversely when we get a stomach ache, we feel stressed. The gut possesses the second most nerve endings in the human body after the brain, and digestion is mediated by the parasympathetic nervous system (aka rest and digest). So when we travel away from the comforts of our own home, the last thing your brain wants to tell your gut to do is relax and have a good BM. Additionally, we may be dehydrated from the plane, whilst consuming more pool drinks, and we’re dining out more often than normal, so our GI system decides to slow down. But, there is a solution! You don’t have to become victim to travel constipation if you follow the steps below:

  1. Drink heaps of water: Start a few days before you travel. Take your body weight, divide that by two, and that’s how much water you should be drinking before and during your trip. Bring your emotional support water bottle with you because you won’t regret it!
  2. Bring your fiber supplements and probiotics with you! Just because you are on holiday, doesn’t mean that you should take a break from the supplements that keep you regular. If you don’t use fiber supplements, you can try a teaspoon of chia seeds soaked in water, psyllium husk powder, or benefiber when you travel. Start with a small amount to see how your body responds, because if you go overboard it can make constipation worse.
  3. Make sure you eat foods rich in fiber. Think about adding a serving of plant based fiber to your meals. Think blueberries, raspberries, beans, avocado, kale, strawberries, brussel sprouts, quinoa and the classic-oatmeal.
  4. When you’re on the toilet, elevate your feet. Most of us don’t own travel squatty potties (however they do sell them if you’re very keen on this idea). If you elevate your knees so that they are well above your hips, it will lengthen your pelvic floor muscles so that they get out of the way. You can do this by turning a bathroom trash can on its side or by using your suitcase as a footstool. Trust me, this works.

Being constipated while traveling is the worst, especially when you are enjoying your precious time off by chilling on a beach or hiking in Yosemite. Try these tips and let me know if you need help getting things moving.

If you’re constipated and want to put an end to pellet poops schedule a free 15 min phone consult here.

Dr. Stacie Groat

PT, DPT, OCS, Owner and Founder

We help individuals recover from urinary leakage, pain, prolapse, childbirth and surgery to regain confidence in their bodies so that they can participate in activities that bring them joy.

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